Join the team

We are seeking a program manager/postdoctoral research fellow to join us. The postdoc will be based at San Francisco State University (SFSU) and serve as a liaison between investigators at San Diego State University, University of California Davis, SFSU and national labs - Sandia National Laboratory and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. The postdoc will carry out laboratory measurements to better understand phage-host interactions in environmental samples that will be used for student traineeships while also co-leading recruitment of the phage pathway scholar cohort. The postdoc will work closely with PI and co-Is to devise assessment strategies for continuous improvement of the program. As a portion of the position will be editorial in nature, they should possess careful revision and editorial skills and attention to detail. Candidates from underrepresented groups are strongly encouraged to apply.

Please email a 2-page CV, and information for 2 references to by Feb 15, 2025.

Applications for the 2025 phage pathway scholar cohort are now open!

The Phage Pathways Scholar (PPS) program is a three-year initiative to engage at least 60 selected underrepresented undergraduate and graduate students to cultivate a new generation of scientists at the intersection of microbial ecology and renewable energy. The program runs for 11 months every year. Each year scholars from the cohort will participate in IMG/M workshops at the Joint Genome Institute, lab visits and phage discovery workshops at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Summer internships at Sandia National Laboratory (for 2 selected scholars), phage-related microbiology curricula at UC Davis, San Diego State University, San Francisco State University, a phage pathways scholar symposium as well as professional development workshops on career planning, writing skills, and diversity in STEM with guest speakers from the nexus of microbiology and renewable energy. The program aims to provide a stipend to the chosen scholars for every engagement opportunity.

If you are interested, please fill out some info by 15 Feb 2025 and we will be in touch shortly! We can't wait to hear from you!